Al AQidah Course
Course description
The Aqidah knowledge is the knowledge that investigates the Islamic belief and explains what contradicts and contradicts it. It is derived from the two revelations, the Qur’an and the Sunnah, and an explanation of the approach of the imams of the nation, the Companions and Followers – may Allah be pleased with them – in their dealings with issues of belief.
The Aqidah knowledge is the foundation of science. Because the integrity of a person in his religion depends on the integrity of his belief.
The Islamic Aqidah when it is launched is the Aqidah of the people of Sunnis and Jama’a(أهل السنة والجماعة). Because it is the Islam that Allah has chosen as the religion for His servants, and it is the preferred belief of the three centuries of the Companions and the Successors and those who followed them in goodness until the Day of Judgment.
Everything that contradicts the Aqidah of the people of Sunnis and Jama’a(أهل السنة والجماعة) is one of the false beliefs, and its owner has deviated from the correct belief to the heretical and misguided beliefs.
What is meant by Ahl al-Sunnah wal-Jama`ah: everyone who follows the Sunnah of the Prophet – may Allah bless him and grant him peace – and adheres to it in word, deed, and belief.
Definition of doctrine:
Al Aqidah in language: taken from the contract, which means tightening, binding, steadfastness, and tightening, and contract: the opposite of loosening.
Al Aqidah refers to a firm belief that is beyond doubt. It is what a person believes in and his heart is set upon. If what he believes is a correct and firm belief in the Lordship of Allah Almighty, His divinity, His names and attributes, His angels, His books, His messengers, the Last Day, and predestination, its good and its evil, and all the rest of what is proven. Of the matters of the unseen, and the foundations of the religion, and what the righteous(Al Salaf) predecessors agreed upon, and complete submission to Allah Almighty in command, judgment, obedience, and following His Messenger, this is the correct Sunni belief, and if what he believes is contrary to that, it is a corrupt belief.
Sections of Al Aqidah:
The division of belief is taken from the six principles of faith, which are:
1) Faith in Allah: It includes: (belief in His existence, lordship, divinity, and names and attributes).
2) Belief in angels: This includes: (belief in their existence, belief in those whose names we know, belief in what we know of their attributes, and belief in what we know of their deeds).
3) Belief in the heavenly books: This includes: (belief that their revelation from Allah is true, and belief in what we have learned from them, such as the Qur’an, the Torah, the Gospel, and the Psalms, along with believing what is authentic in their reports, and acting according to the rulings of what has not been abrogated from them).
4) Belief in the Messengers: It includes: (belief that their message is true from Allah, and belief in those whose names we learned by His name, along with believing what is authentically reported from them, and acting according to the law of those of them sent to us, and he is their seal, Muhammad – may Allah bless him and grant him peace.
5) Belief in the Day The other: It includes: (belief in the torment and bliss of the grave, belief in resurrection, belief in resurrection and reckoning, belief in Paradise and Hell, and other matters of the afterlife).
6) Belief in destiny, its good and evil: It includes: (belief that Allah Almighty knows everything in general and in detail, and belief that Allah wrote that in the Preserved Tablet, and that all beings do not exist except by the will of Allah Almighty, and belief that all beings are created by Allah Almighty).
– The study of the Al Aqidah includes a statement of the doctrines of the sects that contradict the belief of the Ahl al-Sunnah wal-Jama`ah regarding these six principles
The importance and benefit of studying the science of belief:
- Knowing the correct Aqidah, which is the foundation of religion, and the basis of the call of messengers, and a servant’s faith is not complete and is not accepted by Allah Almighty without it.
- Knowing that correct Aqidah is a condition for the validity and acceptance of actions.
- Knowing the greatest and most certain of duties is the oneness of Allah Almighty, and staying away from anything that opposes it, such as polytheism and the like.
- The correct Aqidah is the reason for achieving empowerment on earth, unifying the ranks of Muslims, and upon it their word is united.
- Through it, security, stability, and happiness in this world and the hereafter are achieved.
- Knowing the doctrines of misguided sects and warning against them.
- Immunity against misguided, inventive groups.
- Studying the correct Aqidah increases a person’s fear of Allah and avoids sins and evils.
- Islamic civilization is based only on the correct belief; Because every building, whether material or moral, must have an ideological foundation upon which it is based